Hi! Hello! It's Meeee 🙂

Life is hard, and it’s harder when you have to feed and satisfy the palates of other people both big and small everyday…3 x a day..forever… and ever T__T. It’s hard enough figuring out what you want to eat all the time, now you gotta throw in picky toddlers, their health, your health, your precious time, sanity, spontaneous, lack of mental health, what are we talking about again?

Unlike our late beloved goldfishies (RIP Fin Diesel, Sharkira, and Salmonella) whom have graciously left our waters due to foreseen very well predicted lack of food delivered at appropriate times circumstances, we probably need to keep our new pets alive. Whoops, I didn’t mean to say pets, I meant tax-deductions. Dangit autocorrect, I meant to refer to the little loud people I’ve spawned that are the dementors cousins. Anyways, let’s do this together, calmly. We have no choice anymore. (Unless.. never mind I’m digressing).

I’ll share with you my secrets, my plan B-C-D-Z-Y-Z-R2-Triangle-Triangle-Left-Square kitchen moves, and you let me know what your thoughts are, and hopefully give me some adult feedback besides the AWJEAWLFWAGJT@#$@#T@$ I already get from the spawned ones. We’ll keep each other sane, and make jokes about our lives (or just my life, that’s cool too). I’ll throw down in the kitchen and keep it spicy (with Cayenne! duh!, and we can cry together about how the spawned ones also throw down..food to the ground (It’s okay, 3 minute Mouska-rule to the rescue). Oh, and if you win the lottery, it would be nice if you could share some of that monetary love so I can pursue my next chapter as an ABG pilates raw green organic pressed juice Range Rover driving life too. Anyways. I have focusing challenges, and you’ll also see that sprinkled around here (in glitter form).

Cheers, Cheers, & Cheers again until you forget your problems,

Mama T-ran-asaurus Tran (because I no longer run)


We’ve all got a recipe of different bits that we’re comprised of that can give others a byte of who we are.

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