Thai Papaya Salad

Thai Papaya Salad

Every time I’m pregnant, number 1 on my craving list always seems to be Thai papaya salad. I crave it so much, I always end up eating it for a few days/weeks postpartum. My favorite types of food are salty, tangy, and spicy– beer food! And this salad is...
Blueberry Muffins Without the Egg or Milk

Blueberry Muffins Without the Egg or Milk

Blueberries without the egg or milk…weird huh? No, I’m definitely not some super healthy person avoiding eggs and dairy. In fact there IS dairy in this recipe. Where did this recipe come from? It came from me having overripe (kind of mushy) blueberries...
Bo La Tia To (Vietnamese Perilla leaf Wrapped Beef)

Bo La Tia To (Vietnamese Perilla leaf Wrapped Beef)

Traditionally, this yummy beef dish is used with Betel leaves but, ay you use what you got right? And actually, now that I’ve tried it, I prefer Perilla leaves since it’s more fragrant. Bo La Lot (La Lot being Betel Leaves) now transformed Bo La Tia To...
How to Make the Best Vietnamese Chicken Curry Ever

How to Make the Best Vietnamese Chicken Curry Ever

Curry chicken is one of those dishes that can make any day better. It’s warm, comforting, and full of flavor. But how do you make the best curry chicken ever? Well, you’re in luck because I’m going to show you my secret recipe that will blow your...
Leftover Roasted Pork Salad

Leftover Roasted Pork Salad

There is something about leftover roasted pork that makes it taste and smell ‘porkier’. This recipe was inspired by the Thai beef salad I made a few weeks ago, and it was super delicious! We used all the fresh herbs from our garden (Rau Dap Ca and Rau Thom...